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Explosion proof electrical CCC certification based on GB/T3836 standard revision requirements

SINO Testing Services

| 2022-05-30|Return

Heavy weight! Heavy weight! Heavy weight!

New national standard GB/T3836-2021 series explosion-proof standardsIt was officially implemented on May 1, 2022.

Starting from May 1st, 2022,The CCC certification for explosion-proof products will only be usedNew standard implementation certification and issuance of new standard certification certificate.

Here we would like to remind you that several major certification agencies in China have issued updated requirements for mandatory certification of explosion-proof electrical products based on the new standards.Enterprise customers who have obtained the mandatory explosion-proof electrical certification (i.e. explosion-proof CCC certification) need to pay special attention to the following time points:

For projects that have not completed the certification decision, enterprises should submit a standard version change application to the issuing authority.

✍ For products that have obtained mandatory certification certificates according to the old standard, the holder of the old standard certification certificate should, after the implementation of the new standard,Before the completion of the next annual supervisionSubmit an application to the issuing authority to convert the new version of the standard certification certificate, and accept the laboratory's testing of the differences between the new and old versions of the standard in accordance with TC28 resolutions. Complete the product confirmation work according to the new version of the standard and issue the new version of the standard certification certificate.

✍ The conversion of old version standard certification certificates should be carried out inBefore April 30th, 2023Completed, certification certificates that have not been converted within the deadline will be issued by the issuing authoritysuspendBefore July 31, 2023For those who have not yet completed the certificate conversion work, the issuing authority willrevokeOld version standard certification certificate. For certified products that have been manufactured, put on the market, and are no longer in production before May 1, 2022, there is no need for certificate conversion.

As a professional explosion-proof testing and certification agency, Zhongnuo Testing,We maintain stable and good cooperative relationships with major domestic certification agencies and laboratoriesFamiliar with the basic process and new standard requirements of explosion-proof electrical CCC certification, able to provide services such as explosion-proof electrical CCC certification, explosion-proof certificate conversion to 3C certificate, new standard version change, factory audit, and derivative services.

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